miércoles, 16 de septiembre de 2009

We're a Band

How to start a comment about a great song. I have to say that the message expressed in this song is one of my favorites. This great song tells us al those great things that Christ did for us. This song says that we are going to be just great if we are with Christ in our hearts. It also says that we need to tell everyone the great things of Christ. The explanation of the name of the song can be resumed that we have to be a band that tells the greatness and good things of Christ to every place we go or visit. I have to thanl Miss. Raquel for showing me this song because it made me realize that I need to have Christ always by my side and in my heart.


The Panchatantra is a fable that has a beautiful message. As a personal comment, it is my favorite indian fable. As all the fables, it has talking animals as the center of the story. This fable teaches us that pride is not a good thing and that bad things can happen if your pride is too big. In this fable we find a lion, named Numskull, who was very bad toward the other animals. He was cruel and had a lot of pride. One day, a very clever rabbit decided to fool and outsmart Numskull. Trying to show his pride, he was tricked by the clever rabbit and died. Now the lesson of this story is that when you are powerful in any way, you have to use that power in orther to help the others. If you use it to do bad things and take advantage, someone that is more clever than you can trick you as the rabbit did to the lion, and you can be really hurt. If you take good decitions as a powerful leader, a lot of people can take advantage.

The Analects

When you read this sotry called Panchatantra, you really go back in time. You go to the fifth century picturing all those images of that time. Back in those times, philosophers like wise Confucius inspired people by enlightening them. Those philosophers tried very hard explaining and teaching us the moral and respect. If you live under these two ideas you will have a better place to live in. But these two ideas can not be learned from one day to another. Since we are born, our parents have to teach us these valuable ideas in order to have a better life. We also have to learn to be very positive, to give always our best, and to learn form our mistakes to be better persons in life.. The Analects can make leaders better, beacuse Confucius teaches how to be a good leader and how to learn from our mistakes. What I learned from the Analects can be resumed in these sentence: demand the most of you, and not that much from the others. If you follow these teaches and philosophies you will have a better life.